Thursday, April 30, 2009


Studying is boring....... wish i could just get this over with! study study study........ reading all those info on dead people and ancient history. i'll tell you what, IT'S A TOTAL BORE FEST!

Yes yes yes, you have to study, it's for the good of your future. Yeah i know that. Yeah i'm studying. There's no guarantee that your future will be bright after all that reading. It isn't like the guy up there wrote a letter to you saying you'll be getting a good job and an even better life. You'll have to achieve those with your own power. Uhuh, sure.

Work hard, work hard, all your work will pay off sooner or later. and when is that? who knows!

All i know is, no point dreaming, what you want, get it, what you cant get, keep trying until you are sure there's no way to obtain it. Then, LIVE WITH IT......... Aiming for 5As minimum, Exams are on the 18th of May. I'll see how much studying i can do until then.

Wishing all of you the best of luck, study hard, no goofing off, do your best, there's only one chance in life. Take it or leave it.

I'll be hitting the books, hard.

Thou need not know the truth, as it might not be what it seems.

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