Tuesday, March 29, 2011

McDonalds and LoL. Lots of it.

There's this promotion at McDonalds that's going to end at 31st of March. I didn't know about it until my aunt and cousin told me about it like, 3 days ago. You just have to print out the coupon, present it, and buy 5 bucks worth of anything at McD to get 2 free big breakfast sets. Drinks not included. :D

You guessed it, my mom and i went there for breakfast this morning. AND, we're going again tomorrow morning. How nutty is that?

LoL a.k.a League of Legends. Another game that got me hooked, for now. It's pretty much like DOTA though, just that it's almost every bit better than it! XD

Yeah that's pretty much it. Oh! Mom's birthday's coming up. 31st of March. Lets see if i can do anything nice for her. But the fact that her birthday lands on a working day, and it's not a good excuse to skip work, means that we won't be celebrating, much, if not at all. =/

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Random Things

I really got to get a haircut soon. My hair looks a little bit more like a coconut everyday!

Still can't bite with my teeth on the right side. Sensitive gums suck!

Ate with my aunt last night. Ate with my aunt this morning!

Downloading League of Legends. 5 hours left!

Got a new Facebook profile picture. Thanks to Hafiz!

Friday, March 25, 2011


Yeah so, i applied for TARC's STPM. But the whole journey was sort of crappy. 23 whole stations before my mom and i reached our destination. It's a boring 45 minute train ride. Then we had to walk there too! No, it wasn't far, but the road leading to TARC was worn out, and the stalls and whatever the rest were, were old and, well, they smelled.

Once we reached the college though, it wasn't so bad. Maybe it was our timing, but when we arrived at TARC, it seemed pretty secluded. Though look on the bright side, no uniforms, no hairstyle control, wonderful facilities and a variety of choices of clubs and societies. Being there is nice, but GOING there though, is not.

After filling in the forms, we headed back. Weird thing is, the journey back was faster, which is a good thing! :D

Went to Putera for dance practice with some friends after that. It was fun as usual, but nothing special worth mentioning. Audition on 6th of April. Go us! XD

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Visiting TARC tomorrow.

Finally pulling myself towards a better future. I've decided to go for STPM, and will be going to TAR College with my mom tomorrow to apply, and hopefully get a scholarship or loan. It's my first time being so initiative about my education. A pretty good start i would say, right?

Oh and some friends are considering on going to TARC too! That means more company! :D The more the merrier! Lets all go!


Blog makeover

Alrighty, the blog's remade, like i said it would. I've redone the links so as to remove the deleted blogs. Will miss them though. ;( I did add a few new links, and i'm still considering whether or not to add in links to Jodelle Ferland. My first favourite actress!!! <3 Just so you know, she acted in Case 39 and Silent Hill. I'm loving all these horror movies haha!

Here's the link to her official fansite. Check her out kay? http://www.jodelle-ferland.net/

What else, what else... That's it for now. Maybe i'll post again after i come back from work today. Just maybe.

<3 Jodelle <3

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Today marks the second beginning.

Alright, this thing finally starts. Iqbal pulled me into this riddle thing that took the rest of my day away. D:

So, SPM results are out, i got mine, and i've decided to start blogging again. It's to keep track of my life so that i would have something to remember for me. Usually just short tales from now on, though i guess it will really depend on whether the day was eventful or not.

As for today, almost everyone was pretty anxious about their results, and Nicole was particularly crazy about it. After getting our individual results, it's just walking around the school compound with all the congratulatory words floating in the air. Though, it's still a first for me, so no complaints.

Then Tat Chee and E Wei decided that we (me, Tat Chee, E Wei, Jason, Hafiz, Taufique, Deepak, Iqbal, Ezrul) have lunch at Pizza Hut, which, coincidentally, was where the ex-5B students were going for their lunch. so SMKKJ students practically crowded half of Pizza Hut.

Hit the cyber cafe for some games after that. OMG THEY HAD BIOSHOCK 2!!! THE LITTLE SISTERS VOICE ACTED BY JODELLE FERLAND OMG <3 *fanboy rage ends*

Yeah that pretty much sums up today with barely any detail. I'll work on that. Time for bed.