Saturday, May 2, 2009

Da Movies!

We(my mom and I) went to watch Powerpuff Gi- err..... i mean.... X-men Origins:Wolverine......*coughs* Don't worry, i won't put any spoilers for the ones who haven't watched. Or at least, i'll try my best not to... But that does take out all the fun of saying how great it is..... now that's hard.

OKAY, so...... if you like gore, some violence here and there, drama, cool graphics and mind ripping mutants, this is the movie for you. It's about wolverine(duh), and his past. You'll get to see some of the old mutants like the gambit, cyclops when he was young(with all the eye lasering goodness), some new dudes, and dudads.

The story line is decent, or as my mom says, 'so-so only la' like she always do. It was realistic to the max! Like it always is, and so on so forth.

Point is, this is a must-watch. I'll reach your doorstep and bring you to watch it if i have to!(not really.)

I'll end this post here with a quote: dictionaries are your friends, unless you decide to throw them at people, it's their worst nightmare.

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