Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Tough Day...

This is starting to sound more like a complaint than a blog right now.... you'll understand if you keep reading......

I dont feel like blogging today so I'll make it short as possible......

It was actually fun at work today until.......THEY WANTED ME TO MOVE HEAVY LOADED BOXES!!!
you know how weak i was to begin with.... but well, they are my 'boss'. so i kinda have to listen... i did some checking at the start, then they wanted to move the boxes to somewhere else... the place wasn't that far but we have to go up two floors?!?!?! i was like OMG!!!

those boxes were HEAVY... I can't estimate how heavy but i could kinda guess, about 2-4 bowling balls per.... i could take a few boxes.... but then it started to get REALLY heavy... i was sweating so much that the lower half of my trousers were wet..... not totally..... my face was like dripping with sweat.... no one could imagine how horrible it was........For me that is......

I feel numb all over.........DX

I'll stop here for the time being........................... Man am I pooped..........

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