I've always been amazed by the human species and the many creations they have made to improve our lives. But recently, there had been a large decline of smart people all around the world. The decrease in population has caused a major slow down in the progression of, well... almost everything i suppose.
Fear not my fellow readers! I've seen the students of SMKKJ and much of them seem to have potential. Instead of doing things for the betterment of the society, these so called bright students think the other way around. They have ingenious plots and blueprints of many new designs to improve the old things and make new technology as well! You might think they're our saviors, and they'll keep us happy and comfy with new inventions, faster computers and other kinds of crap, but it's quite the contrary... one of those inventions was seen today at the male toilet in SMKKJ. A short pipe was plugged into a tap at the toilet. that's not the interesting part, the other end of the pipe was attached to the tap right next to the first one! now THAT'S! INGENIOUS! why didn't i think of that? oh, maybe that's because i wasn't smart enough to plug two ends of a rubber pipe into taps and open both of the water ways..... well, obviously what happened next was that the water had almost no way to come out. so they gushed out at small gaps at the end of the pipe and tap on both sides. I noticed this at the end of school, while i had some business to finish in the little boy's room before i go home. Wise and busy people as they were, they forgot to deactivate the new invention, so i was kind enough to lend them a hand,(no, not in literal means...) and left it as it is as i hadn't the strength to remove the pipe from it's original position as it was pushed in very deep. i had no choice but to leave. everything after that is history. k bye~
I beg my leave.
P.S: i have double checked my spellings. checked after i finished some stuff. i will not remove this postscript because i don't feel like it. XD BYE BOYS AND GIRLS!
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