Saturday, February 7, 2009

Cross country.(not really. XD)

The only good part about today's cross country run is the excercise and the winning... which obviously i didnt win. i did get 28th place in the form 4 boy's section. other than that, i didnt get anything. Oh and i almost got free bird poop on my head. i was walking on the lane and suddenly a splat of bird excretion was about 3 cm infront of my shoe.. good thing i didnt run at that part, thank you tired legs! Yikes!

The ONLY PEOPLE who came that i know of are Prinny, Jeng Yee, Yuen Fah and BALLZ MAN! and it was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo x infinite boring. Especially the prize giving part. Then sat with the girls at the bench listening to music. Went to *singing* the chicken rice shooooooop~ chicken rice and more! (clucking). lol, that was a horrible, horrible joke. We went to some chicken rice restaurant at ermm... near Catholic middle/high school.... i think.... i forgot which. There were alot of Catholic students there, that's for sure... alot of Catholic BABES! lol. so many pretty girls. *drool* HAHAHAHAHAHA that was a joke, believe it or not.

Ate, went home, do my stuff. bla bla bla. k bye!

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