Sunday, December 11, 2011

Hey There~

Hey guys, i'm back! For the time being that is. Someone SINCERELY requested that i update my blog~ So i will do just that.

Life's been great so far~ My results for this year's finals were somewhat satisfying, though my mom didn't completely agree. I guess i can see where she's coming from, since i wasn't that happy with my physics getting a 49 either, but hey, 13 chapters of formulae and calculations? can't expect me to handle all that do you? okay, maybe you do, but that's not the point. Point is, studying is tough work and, oh who am i kidding. I didn't study much alright? =(

Besides the fact that i did moderately well for my finals, here's another reason. I got myself a girlfriend! Surprise surprise~ She's probably reading this for a reason she knows what, so i should watch my words, but if course i'll be completely honest. Ever since i met her, things have been way more cheery, though there may have been some cloudy moments, but those are in the past, and i learnt to be more understanding and forgiving. I feel more joyful knowing that someone in this world other than my relatives cares for me so much. She makes me feel useful, and important to a certain extent, that i just can't leave her side. My love for her grows deeper with each passing day, and i pray that it goes on for the rest of my life. We do argue from time to time, over small details, but in the end, i can't stay angry at her, and i hope she feels the same. My dear, you know i love you with all that i have right? <3

Well, it's nearly New Years, and i have so many things left undone. I wonder when i'll ever find the mood or motivation to do them, and more than half of them are really important. Guess i really haven't changed much eh? With every new year brings new hope right? Or i think that's how it works...

That's all for this edition of The Untouched Blog! Thanks for reading!

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